Black and white image of people walking through Grand Central Terminal in New York City

New York, New York

Grand Central Terminal Dining Concourse

An iconic New York City landmark, Grand Central Terminal first opened its doors to the public in 1913. Built as a central destination for New York City trains and transit, the destination has lived up to its expectations and more. The Midtown site is both a transportation hub as well as gathering space for the community –a place that many locals and visitors frequent often. For over a century, many have depended on the transit center to get them from place to place. Even greater of a need is for a strong wayfinding system to ease navigation. With a desire to keep the signage and overall design aesthetic modern, MTA of New York partnered with RSM Design to craft a new wayfinding and signage system for Grand Central Terminal dining concourse as well as for the overall landmark. The design elements draw inspiration from the iconic architecture, historical roots, as well as forward-thinking motifs of continuously moving the Big Apple forward.



  • MTA of New York

Conceptual Design Rendering

The beauty and grandeur of Grand Central Terminal’s beaux-arts style should be the inspiration for the re-imagined dining concourse.


Examining the details, materials, and colors from the existing site, the design team worked to re-interpret these elements with a modern sensibility. RSM Design’s environmental graphics program leverages the strength and equity of the Grand Central Terminal brand to reincorporate the Dining Concourse to the terminal. The details of the design character pay attention to classic New York City signage with an emphasis on bold, modern, and full of spirit. This process creates a solution that is intrinsically “of the place” in style, attitude and personality.

Conceptual Design Rendering

Conceptual Design Rendering


​​Inside the dining concourse there are a number of unique food and beverage offerings. The space has become a rest stop for travellers as well as an attraction for tourists. As part of the revitalization of the New York City destination, RSM Design created several opportunities for new tenant signage. A few of the key design drivers for the tenant kiosks are inspired by the historic signage found throughout the terminal. The desired goal is to open up the space visually as well as incorporate high quality materials reflective of the Grand Central Terminal brand.

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Conceptual Design Rendering

Conceptual Design Rendering

Conceptual Design Rendering

The dining rooms are designed to be a respite from the hustle and bustle of the terminal. Materials, lighting, and graphic details are crafted to feel “of Grand Central Terminal” while offering a quiet moment in between.

Conceptual Design Rendering

Conceptual Design Rendering

Conceptual Design Rendering

Conceptual Design Rendering

Conceptual Design Rendering

Conceptual Design Rendering

Conceptual Design Rendering


Metro-North Railroad (MNR), Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL), CBRE, O'Neil Langan Architects, Bliss Fassman, Building Conservation Associates

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