Defining a vision for a new destination, The HART District will make up a greater whole, a transit oriented, mixed-use district, that will elevate the experience of the area into a walkable, and a culture-rich urban zone.

The design team began at step one of the process: naming. Examining familiar Rancho Cucamonga landmarks and streets around the station– Haven, Arrow, and Rochester– the team created the acronym HART. The name HART embodies a feeling of community and connectedness, while also paying attention to the district’s position within the greater city. During the logo development, the landmark streets would also come into play. The bars of the H on the mark represent the three landmark streets of the area with the addition of a circle symbolizing connectedness of the district as a whole.

Above all, the mission of the brand is to represent the surrounding community. The HART District desires to bring opportunities to the people of Rancho Cucamonga, such as places to work and live. The design team paid specific attention to the brand language, which is built on the key message: Community makes Culture, Culture makes Connections. In addition, the team focused on several key pillars in order to define a unified brand and message. These messaging tools guide the purpose, tone, and voice of the brand design. The ultimate goal of the HART District is to unify the community and create a destination that embraces diverse experiences.