Shadow of a surfer at sunset with the words DANA POINT written above him.

Dana Point, California

City of Dana Point Branding

Dana Point is a destination that recognizes its unique relationship to the community. It’s a growing city that has evolved and will continue to expand. RSM Design was invited to create a brand that would distinguish the city amongst it’s neighbors as well as bring clarity and a sense of invitation.



  • Branding & Logo Design
  • Brand Visioning
  • Brand Strategy
  • Logo Design
  • Usage Guidelines
  • Print and Digital Collateral
  • Branded Environment


  • City of Dana Point


Dana Point was named for Richard Henry Dana, Jr., (1815 – 1882) author of the memoir Two Years Before The Mast. The book details a two-year journey working as a sailor aboard a ship called The Pilgrim. The ship travelled the California coast, trading with missions and ranchos. RSM Design first investigated how the history influenced the city and how to best strategize why Dana Point is different from the surrounding coastal cities.


The identity of Dana Point needed to emulate a sense of belonging to the unique history and culture of the city. The design reflected how the city should be seen – simple, bold, inviting, friendly and dynamic. RSM Design worked through a series of community workshops with city stakeholders to define the core image of the city. Once we were able to determine how the city identified itself, and how they wanted to appear outwardly toward visitors, we worked to brand the city and create a series of touch points in the form of signage, wayfinding, collateral, a website, and a trolley. These items made an announcement of arrival, as well as directions to points of interest to guests.

RSM Design took color inspiration from orange sunsets and ocean water. Bold typography mirrors the city’s personality as dynamic, strong and clean.


Dana Point offers an array of outdoor activities including: volleyball, surfing, biking and more. The identity family needed more than just a logo but icons to help articulate the many amenities. The brand’s extension includes patterns of the waves and sunset; and a palette of typography that ranges from bold headlines to legible close reading.


RSM Design believed that the identity of the city should be inviting to all residents and visitors and advised that an iconic art campaign that would determine Dana Point’s sense of place. This campaign promoted that Dana Point is the perfect place to dine, play, surf and stay.

Banners designed in collaboration with artist Michael Schwab.

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